Sunday, November 21, 2004

好靚實用的 Trillian 3.0 Pro

嘩~ 真係好鬼靚呀~
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Trillian 0既賣點一向都係"樣靚"
我仲以為今次只係改靚0左interface 添
先發覺佢有好多好靚好好用的function 呀!

最impressed 0既係呢個: Serverless IM

From Official Site:
What is Serverless IM?
Serverless IM is powered by Apple's Rendezvous protocol. Rendezvous enables automatic discovery of computers, devices, and services on IP networks. Within the context of Trillian, Rendezvous allows two Trillian users on the same LAN (within a company's firewall, for example) to communicate without the need for any instant messaging servers. Also known as zero-configuration networking, Rendezvous uses industry standard IP protocols to allow devices to automatically find each other without the need to enter IP addresses or configure DNS servers. Rendezvous is an open protocol, which Apple has submitted to the IETF as part of the ongoing standards-creation process.

See how easy it is to set up!

Serverless IM is ideal for your home or your business

嘩~ 呢個function 真係勁得意呀!
Actually 呢個概念一向都有IM 做緊
對於好似 ICQ, MSN, Miranda 等等0既IM
不過最impress 我0既都係佢個 auto find each other 的function
坊間好多software 都係要靠IP 先可以0係LAN 上面 communicate

Trillian 今次D function 真係幾好
難怪連Jan's Tech Blog 都有介紹
我都唔知原來網上已經好多alpha 版流傳0左出黎
等我仲以為要等Official send 試用版出黎先有得用添~!
不過睇完佢個blog 之後
就即刻去d/l 0左黎用
不過我唔 recommend 大家轉用
因為對於我呢個一向用開Trillian 0既人黎講
3.0 Pro 真係好用0左好多
但係對於一個用開ICQ or Miranda 0既人黎講
佢唔support 中文呢個problem
亦曾經令我想放棄Trillian 而改用Miranda
何況alpha 版仲有好多bug
不過莫講話alpha 版
其實以前0既Trillian 亦都係有好多bug
而我用落3.0 又唔覺得佢好多bug (好似少0左添~)
所以我用3.0 版先覺得佢有improve

Anyway, 作為一個Trillian 0既fans
以前多數只會聽到人地鬧Trillian 有幾唔好
今次終於聽到"讚" 的聲音
不枉我用0左Trillian 咁耐呀!
希望佢個language pack develop 好之後
中文support 會好D 啦~

Official Site: Cerulean Studios


minghong said...

Rendezvous係Mac OS X先行到架喎...
個人黎講都係鍾意GAIM多D。 :-)

ET20 said...

Trillian 係一個 windows application
I don't think it can't be run in windows wor~

Btw, GAIM 都幾好用咁~
不過都係 Trillian 靚D~
同埋GAIM 的plugin 好似少左D
如果俾我揀,我諗我會prefer Miranda 多過GAIM

minghong said...

I mean that "Serverless IM" thing relies on "Rendezvous". Hence that new feature shouldn't be available in Windows version of Trillian.

Miranda is also good. But I prefer GAIM because Miranda doesn't import ICQ groups. It can only import the names from the server. Hence the list becomes a mess... :-P

ET20 said...

I know what you mean ar~
But Trillian only has Windows version, no MAC version.
So I think it can be used in Windows also.

Oh! What you said is right ar~
It becomes a mess after I have login my account in another place...-_-|||


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