Thursday, December 30, 2004

You're A Part Of Me

呢排聽緊TV Magic II
有D 以前聽過已經好鍾意

不過就算我0係google 度search
都search 唔到呢首歌出黎~
唔好理喇~ 好聽就得啦~! ^^

Everybody loves everybody cries
Everyone has feelings on the inside
Everywhere you go everything you do
Feelings are a special part of you

Are you sad or mad or silly and glad
Find a friend and tell'em how you feel

Are you scared or shy or bursting with pride
Share the news that's what makes it real

Everybody hopes everybody dreams
Everybody wonders what do feelings really mean

Everyone you touch everyone you know
Feelings are a part of how we grow

Are you tired and down or just kidding all round
Find a friend and tell'em how you feel

Are you jealous or bursting with pride
Share the news that's what makes it real

Everybody loves everybody cries
Everyone has feelings on the inside

Everywhere you go everything you do
Feelings are a special part of you
Feelings are a special part of you

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