What's my motivation of starting a blog?
Scene 1:
Recently I have bought a new cheap cheap DC, and always bring it when I go out - to work, to play...etc.... I start to have many snapshots photos. Want to share with my friends, but create a new photo album seems 小題大做, very 苦惱 about that.
Scene 2:
After coming back from Beijing, I start to upload photos to webphotos for editing chinese comments as my travelling journals. In my point of view, adding journals to my photos is the best way to let me memorize those happy things in my trip.
Scene 3:
It's near the end of my HSBC placement, always want to take photos with my collegues. Some new summer/1-year placements have also come to join us, so we take some photos each day. But if place all photos in a photo album, seems not what I want. Seems can't share my happiness with my friends in this way.
Scene 4:
I forgot what I am searching for in Yahoo, but suddenly find a site that can have free hosting of photos (Perhaps I am finding unlimited photos hosting with original size photos). No need money can get the original size of photos, only need to get points! It has unlimited storage too! Attractive ar! Immediate register one and try. Then I find that this site is not a usual photos album site, it can also add journals into it. It can import the photos from webphotos and journals from xanga. It can link the journals with photos albums. Wow~ Amazing function! The only limitation is that I can't add journals for each photos. And....the photos shown is too small. So, I prefer to use webphotos instead of this.
Scene 5:
最近好多人開?新 blog, blogger lar~ Citi wiki lar~ All different kinds of blogs. When I see 子成 also got one because of many people also got, I start to query about what's the use of blog. OD != Blog??! Actually many people use Blog as OD, but is Blog = OD?! Want to try try~ But if I start a new blog, what's the use of it? Ar! remember what's the use of Similar's blog, can make it to be a blog for photos, but I don't like the style of his, how come diary can mix with photos??! seems strange and confused! Oh~ Then I thought of ar Sing's website. Yes! Exactly what I want! I can express my feeling there with my photos, let me try to search some free blog sites for this sin!
Scene 6:
When I search in Yahoo, I search like this: "blog for photos". Actually I really don't know there's a term call photoblog, but as I search, I find that a new blog trend is spreading, all kinds of blog has been risen recently. Start to think........Can I use start a new blog for posting photos & lyrics? Want to share my feelings and thoughts for these 2 kinds of my favourite.
Scene 7:
Before I sleep, I thought of how to create my blog in my bed...
Yes! 原來我一早已經有咁?構思,只係到現時為止,仲未有一個OD 做得到。That is my group project for Multimodal Interface Design. We have designed a multimedia website that can allow users to add photos, add background music, or 甚至 draw photos for their diary. Yes, this is my dream for the future trend of diary, now I am trying to make it become possible with blog. Really so powerful I am!
Scene 8:
Finally, after searching for quite a few days, free hosting blog which can have most of the functions I want is blogger, fotopages and textamerica. And I want to say, I can't find some free hosting for music...V.V Yes, those hostings need money have all functions I want, but....need money to have storage space, that is: buy storage space. Of coz I won't try that. So at last I decided to try these 3 blogs, see which one is the best and which one is what I want!
Blogger has add-on photos storage, but seems too mix-up for everything. If I succeed in trying to categorize all blogs clearly, surely I will use it.
Fotopages have resize photos functions, can add text journals, but only for photos. And it don't have a calendar for viewing different days journals. Also, it appears to me that it can only add a few words for each photos.
Textamerica has calendar, it has separate page for each photos too! Can have long long journals for each photos. But I need to start a new moblog for each kind of photos, resulting in different sites without relationships, this not what I want. More important: Can't resize photos by itself, need me to uplaod photos within 700k. V.V